The Supplemental Fringe Benefit Fund, or VEBA, is an employer-funded benefit that provides for reimbursement of medical Plan out-of-pocket expenses like your coinsurance, Emergency Room co-payment or prescription drug co-payments. Reimbursement can also be made for certain expenses not covered by the Plan, like mileage to and from a doctor’s office for treatment*. Your VEBA/SFBF can be used to make your Self-Payments to continue eligibility in the Plan.
Reimbursement can be obtained two ways. You may submit a VEBA claim form with copies of paid receipts for eligible expenses as you incur and pay them. In most circumstances, you may apply to have medical Plan expenses submitted automatically to the VEBA. Once enrolled under the automatic roll-over option, you must then only submit prescription drug co-payments and a limited number of expenses that cannot be filed through the medical Plan. You must submit this form to elect automatic reimbursement.
Benefit payments are issued twice a month by direct deposit only. The first run of the month will only affect those on the automatic who have outstanding claims and who have a contribution balance. If you are submitting claims the cut off for receiving out-of-pocket expense is the 15th of the month and you will see those requests on the second run (25th). We will wire transfer on the 10th and the 25th of the month. If either date falls on a weekend, we usually process on the Friday prior. Please give it a day or two after these dates for your deposit to show up in your requested bank account.
Quarterly statements are provided to participants to advise them of their Plan balance. Account balances may be obtained on-line here on the electrical funds website. You must have a username and password to have access to this information. You can also call at 419-666-4450 to request a copy be mailed to you.
You may download the VEBA claim form in PDF format. Note, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, available free from Adobe’s web site, to view and print this file.
Click here to download claim form: SFBF VEBA claim form.
* To obtain reimbursement for mileage, attach the following information to your VEBA claim form:
- Date
- Patient Name
- Round-trip mileage
- Name of the doctor, pharmacy or medical facility
- A copy of the bill, invoice or EOB
The above is just a brief description of the SFBF/VEBA Fund. If you have any questions, please call the Funds Office at 419.666.4450