The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce a change in vision service providers. Effective July 1, 2020, EyeMed will be the Plan’s new vision provider. With this change you will experience the same great vision benefits, plus additional discounts from the EyeMed providers. You will have access to thousands of providers from independent eye doctors, your favorite retail providers such as LensCrafters, Pearl Vision, Target Optical, and many more. EyeMed also has online options available. To search for a provider, access the EyeMed portal at, “Find an eye doctor”, choose the “Insight” network, or try the EyeMed members App.

EyeMed will be sending you a “Welcome Packet” and an EyeMed ID card. To use the benefits is easy, choose an in-network provider, schedule your visit, and go in for care or eyewear. You do not need an ID card – let the provider know EyeMed is your vision provider and give them your name and birthday. As long as you stay in-network, EyeMed will handle all of the paperwork.

Additional information can be found in the Health section under Forms & Notices